Our Principal
Principal's Message
"At Morgan we are MAGIC"
Motivated, Achieving, Generous, Imaginative, Caring
The faculty, staff, and I welcome you and your children to Morgan School. At Morgan School, we provide experiences for our students that foster a love of learning through quality instruction by a highly competent staff. The staff and I are dedicated to providing the highest quality elementary educational program by creating a learning environment that fosters the academic, emotional, physical, and social development of each student, assisting them to become life-long learners and responsible citizens.
At Morgan School, we provide a caring, nurturing, and supportive learning environment that promotes cooperation, mutual respect, responsibility, good manners, and kindness. The staff and I maintain high expectations for student achievement. We develop independent thinkers and problem solvers who can apply acquired skills to meet the challenges of today and the future. The staff and I realize the importance of ensuring each student every opportunity to achieve, succeed, and develop self-esteem. We are sensitive to the affective needs of children by developing in each child an attitude of self-respect and self-worth. We continuously reinforce the development of good social skills such as decision making, conflict resolution, and anger management. These skills will enable our students to communicate effectively and interact with each other in a positive manner.
Parents are our partners and an integral part in educating children of this community. Research has shown that active parent participation in the educational process has a positive effect on student achievement and helps students attain their greatest potential. We invite you to take an active role in the partnership between home and school. Together, we can work cooperatively to coordinate and provide enrichment and cultural experiences for our children in the humanities, arts, and sciences. By working together, the Morgan family assists in achieving our district mission statement,
“A Quality Education for Every Student.”
Michael Giambelluca, Principal